Vehicle Donations


Gifts of property

Gifts of tangible personal property such as real estate, artwork, furniture, jewelry, cars, and boats can be gifted to the Tidewell Foundation to avoid capital gains on the item or eliminate items from your estate that may be subject to tax. The Tidewell Foundation may sell the item and use the proceeds to support the program(s) of your choice.

To arrange a gift of property please call 941-552-7546.

Vehicle donation

The Foundation will arrange for the vehicle to be picked up and sold at auction, and you receive a receipt. 

To donate a vehicle, call toll free at 1-855-500-RIDE (7433) or visit

For more information, check out the IRS guide, Donor’s Guide to Vehicle Donations. 

The Power of Music Therapy

Tidewell Foundation President, Delesa Morris, featured in Sarasota Scene Magazine’s “Women on the Scene”

Tidewell Hospice, Nation’s First Hospice to Receive American Nurses Association Accreditation for Nurse Residency Program