Woman looking at tablet



Tidewell embraces telehealth technology for clinical care and patients’ quality of life, helping them make vital connections and explore the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Every connection is a lifeline.

At Tidewell, we are leading the way in using technology to create meaningful connections for our hospice patients.

Throughout the pandemic, there was an areawide lockdown of adult-living and long-term care facilities, making it impossible for hospice patients to visit with their loved ones face-to-face. In response, the Tidewell Foundation partnered with donors and grantors to support the purchase of additional technology, including iPads and virtual reality headsets.

iPads create a way for isolated patients to safely connect with their families, friends, and caregivers. Thanks to an increased use of iPads in everyday care, remote families can stay connected with their loved ones.

Similarly, virtual reality headsets open a whole new world of opportunities, allowing families to share moments, relive memories, and create new experiences together.

VR gives patients powerful new ways to experience the world from the warmth of home or hospice. With guidance from trained healthcare providers, VR is a tool for healing. Patients can travel the world to revisit important memories. They can explore new worlds and play with friends and family.

These technologies truly open windows for patients.

Our donors’ foresight and generosity have allowed us to offer patients new ways of connecting, even during challenging times. Donors like you provide iPads for patients to connect with friends and family, or VR headsets to create powerful, joyful new experiences for patients who cannot travel.

Thank you for helping patients make these vital connections.

The Power of Music Therapy

Tidewell Foundation President, Delesa Morris, featured in Sarasota Scene Magazine’s “Women on the Scene”

Tidewell Hospice, Nation’s First Hospice to Receive American Nurses Association Accreditation for Nurse Residency Program