Memorializing a Memory with a Legacy Gift

Phillip and Melissa’s Story
“We were married for thirty-eight years,” reflected Phillip as he talked about his extraordinary life with Melissa. When they met, they were both living and working in the heart of the city of St. Pete. Melissa worked for the city and Phillip for the police department, now retired after thirty-two years of sworn service.
They had a lot in common. They liked to travel and experience new places and people. They both grew up in families on the move—Melissa’s father was in the Air Force, and they moved often. Phillip’s family also moved multiple times, which is why they wanted to find a house that would be their home for the rest of their lives.
They saw themselves living their retirement years in a peaceful quiet country setting, so they decided to forego a future move and find that retirement home while they were young. To find it, their weekends were spent traveling country backroads. In 1995, almost lost somewhere outside of Myakka, they found and bought a large piece of land. Within a year, they built their home. “We called it our mini-state park,” Phillip said as he described the trail system they built, the plants they nursed, and the oak trees they planted. Things that will last. Melissa loved the stars and was passionate about seeing the night sky without big city light pollution. She called it her, “dark sacred night,” and it meant everything to her.
Recently, after a long illness—with Phillip caring for her night and day—Melissa died in the care of Tidewell Hospice. Phillip and Melissa were grateful for the kindness and support they received. With the means to give back, they decided together to join the Tidewell Legacy Society, where their gift would continue to benefit others in perpetuity.
Their life was spent creating things that would last. Phillip explained that he didn’t want to do a one-time “thank you’” gift. Instead, he wanted to memorialize a memory of Melissa and their lives together. That’s why the commitment reads, “In Loving Memory of Melissa Sue Brewer.”
While it was a very difficult period in their lives, the caring and compassionate staff of Tidewell Hospice made Melissa and Phillip’s experience easier. According to Phillip, “The Legacy Society is the best way to express gratitude for the extraordinary love they gave to Melissa.” Like stars in the dark night sky, Tidewell brightened their lives.