Chad Day tourney raised $20,599 for hospice care

It was a beautiful weekend in late April to fish, shop raffle items and celebrate the special person for whom the Chad Day Memorial Fishing Tournament is named. In the end, Chad’s mother Joann Day and husband, Alan Dormeyer, presented a check to Tidewell Foundation for $20,599 to benefit Tidewell Hospice, a $5,000 increase over 2022.
“Organizing an event like this takes dedicated hard work,” said Delesa Morris, Interim President of Tidewell Foundation. “We are grateful to the Day family and all of their friends and supporters for their generosity to the Foundation.”
Chad Day, was a Bradenton resident who died at age 24 while being cared for by Tidewell Hospice in 2015. Chad’s favorite thing to do was fish. Five years ago creating a fishing tournament to support hospice care just made sense, and the event has grown since.
Joann thanked everyone who contributed a basket or raffle item and everyone who participated in the tournament, the raffles and as volunteers. Their thoughtfulness and hard work will help brighten the lives of patients and families in Tidewell Hospice care.
The event was held April 22 and 23, 2023, at Tarpon Bay Grill & Tiki Bar.