Generosity comes in many forms and timelines.
The Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of donors in our planned giving program.
Legacy Society and Planned Giving
In sharing our commitment to funding care for all in our community, you may be interested in making a gift through your estate and financial planning.
While a planned gift can provide tax and financial benefits now, by making a Legacy or Planned Giving gift to the Tidewell Foundation, you ensure that we can continue to brighten the lives of the patients, families and residents of communities we serve.
To become a Legacy Society member, contact Delesa Morris at (941) 735-7155 or delesamorris@tidewellfoundation.org.
Learn More About Planned Giving
Have you already included the Tidewell Foundation in your estate plans? Please let us know with this form.
A Legacy Gift Story
One special night in October of 1993—memorialized forever on a beloved keychain—is now honored in a Legacy Gift.
Click the memory box to read about Phillip and Melissa’s story.
Janette S. Albrecht, M.D.
Francine Alexander
Susan Arndt
Ronald L. Aubel
Linda Bakonyi
Tom and Marie Belcher
Larry W. Benson and Jerry D. Waterman Family Trust
David H. Bettenga
Hwa C. Beyer
John Bodenburg and Nancy Helmer
Robert Bole
Rozalind Brack
Theodore M. Brenkacz
Phillip Roy Brewer In Loving Memory of Melissa Sue Brewer
Christy Buckley-Currie
Neva Burton
Patricia J. Case
Kathleen F. Cellura Foundation
George and Joyce Chase
Diane Chechik-Temple
Claudia S. Christensen
Joseph Cincotta
Joel S. Cuba and Sandra B. Cuba Charitable Fund
Antonette M. Cunningham
Robert Davies, Jr.
Jan and Bill Davis
Neena Derf
Caroline and Anthony DeSantis
James and Barbara Doll
Howard and Ann Drazic
Wyn Entis
Eppard Family
Gerda Fife
Hank and Melinda Foster
William Geller
Thomas E. Gerrity
Cheryl and Tom Gibbons
Jack F. Greer
Bev and Brad Hahn
Michael and Mary Jane Hartenstine
Linda A. Heg
Adrienne Johnson
Sheryl and James Kaiser
John J. Kestly
Jerry and Sondra Kuskin
Carole E. Landon
Michael Lefrois
Barbara J. Lupoff
Dr. Barbara Maier
Joan S. and John D. Marsh
Debbie Mason
Bill and Karen McCarty
Demir and Gamache Family
Van and Judith McDonald
Bonnie McIntyre
Jan Miller
Marvin C. and Glenda H. Miller
John and Charlene Moeckel
Sue Lehmer Morey
John and Marianne Moyer
Margaret Myette
Alexander Nichols
Mrs. Anne Ouchark and Mr. William F. Ouchark
Dr. Terry L. Palls
Gretchen Phelan
Stephen and Redenta Picazio
Deborah Poff and Valarie Clark
Polly Pond
Karen Price
Gerry Radford
Marta D. Rapoport
James R. Roorda
Steven D. Roskamp
Bob and Linda Shea
Stanley P. Stephenson
Mary Szydlowski
Robert L. Taflinger
Susan P. Thomas
David F. and Nancy O. Thomson Trust
R.T. Van Alen
Grant and Kathy Vanderpool
Helen L. Vetter
David Voelker
Marilyn Briggs West
Paula J. Whiting-Self
Kenneth and Rosemarie Williams
Gail S. Winchester
R. Todd Craig and Ronnie G. Winters
Debra L. Wohlers
Barbara G. Zdziarski
David and Peggy Zimmerman